ClinicalConnect is a web-based portal that provides real-time access to patients’ health information from source systems at acute care hospitals and CCACs in South West Ontario as well as select provincial data repositories. OSCAR provides an interface that will download results from this system.
This project calls a web service (WSDL src/main/java/resources/EmrDownloadService.wsdl) provided by Clinical Connect (Medseek) to download a zip file containing one HL7 file. This file is written to the incoming directory that is specified in the properties file. The file is unzipped, if it's empty, indicating no data is sent, it is moved to an empty directory as specified in the properties file. However, if the file has data, it's sent to the oscar server via the same interface that HL7FileManagement uses. (https://localhost/oscar/lab/ If Oscar returns "success" the file is moved to the completed directory that is specified in the properties file.) *Note* that everytime the webservice is called a file will be returned, even if there is no data.
The details for installationa and the source can be obtained at