OMD Tests TODO list
- Must maintain a record of preventative care/screening activities (procedure & date performed)
- Preventative care activities must automatically become visually distinct when past due - prevention recommendations (no red outlining SF Bug)
- Should include patient name, dob, health card number, (for each immunization:) name, date administered, name of primary physician -(dob or health card number is connected to the demographic no need to display)
- Prevention data should not be entered in more than one location (ie info entered in preventions should not have to be entered in flowsheets, etc)
Flowsheets: - implement for current implementation of flowsheets (not health tracker)
- 5 OMD flowsheets: diabetes (Appendix C 3.1) (Cannot find HbA1C and Neurological Exam), asthma, heart failure, COPD, hypertension - maybe create a patient with all these diseases using hibernate?
- Items that are out of treatment target/interval should be visually flagged
- Users should be able to modify flowsheets (add/remove items/change targets/intervals) both for a single patient and overall for a provider - no edit button in flowsheets SF Bug
- Users should be able to create flowsheets - use admin -> create new flowsheet flowsheet (moved into the admin tests as there is no create flowsheet button implemented in the E-Chart)
Views: - implement for current implementation of flowsheets (not health tracker)
Must be able to see date of drugref database (click "drugref info" at top of rx page)
Must be able to "discontinue" a medication from the treatment plan without changing the status of the prescription
Must be able to create a custom drug (ie for compound script)
Must be able to record a medication prescribed in the past - This is done by view the Expired view?
Must be able to record (and identify) a medication prescribed by an external provider - check under more when entering a prescription
Must be able to show current vs past medications, active vs inactive prescriptions - can not complete due to SF Bug
Must be able to filter on current/past/all - best we can do is check for the link options as there is no way to differentiate if it successfully loaded or not
Must include drug-to-drug/drug-to-allergy interaction information via drugref including severity of interaction and allowing override - !!!!
Providers must be able to create a list of favorite prescriptions - xpath locators/AJAX objects causing issues
Must be able to select whether or not items will display on the eChart Rx box
Demographic report tool: - This SF Bug needs to get fixed first
- Providers must be able to set up static cohorts of patients (patients may belong to more than one cohort) (Report -> Demographic Report Tool)
Prevention Report i18n: - This SF Bug needs to get fixed first
- Generates patient recall list for preventative care activities
- Generates patient letters directly from recall list
- Generates report which determine percentages needed to submit billings for preventative care enhancement codes