OSCAR 15 is configured to fax from the desktop and provides freedom in how to connect the back end. Currently OSCAR supports a sophisticated two way fax webservice, and simple one way faxing to a T.37 compliant fax machine, to any of a number of web fax gateways.
OSCAR Fax Settings
To use faxing directly from Oscar for Rx's, Consultation requests and eForms you need to
Configure the Oscar properties file for pdf creation and faxing.
Ensure that the installation has Tomcat is on port 8443 (Other ports are possible but more work. Note: 'oscar_port' added to .properties file)
OSCAR property settings for faxing are already added by default with the deb installed OSCAR 15.
If you manually configure OSCAR you would need to add the following.
# The WKHTMLTOPDF_COMMAND should be the path to the executable on your system
WKHTMLTOPDF_ARGS=-s Letter -T 10mm -L 8mm -R 8mm --print-media-type
# Typical setting for faxing from Rx
# Typical setting for faxing from consultation requests
# Typical setting for faxing from eforms
Then restart the Tomcat server
sudo service tomcat7 restart
Even if DEB installed you will need to install further utility software to allow for the files produced by OSCAR to be sent by fax. You have the freedom with OSCAR to choose how you fax
by Webservice to Hylafax server
or an email to a fax gateway
or via a T.37 protocol to a MFP.
The following command should return something like: wkhtmltopdf 0.12.4 (with patched qt)
wkhtmltopdf -V
To generate a test file, run the following command from a location where you have write permissions