Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

How Integrator works


  • Both Oscar sites periodically push data into Integrator, which stores it into its database.
  • Patients have their demographics registered in both Oscar sites and "linked" through Integrator.
  • When a patient's chart is opened in one Oscar site, Oscar will contact the integrator and pull his/her chart data from the other site(s).
  • Chart data from remote site is shown with special indication.




Version 6

Sun Java 6 is no longer available in the Ubuntu repositories.  However, it can still be installed from Oracle's web site.  Alternatively (and likely preferably), you can create packages of Java 6 using this script.

Code Block
titleInstructions to run script and install JRE
cd ~/
wget -O
chmod +x
sudo ./
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre

Tomcat version



sudo apt-get install tomcat6

Tomcat setting

The following line should be added to tomcat start script at before executing the web service:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024M -Dcaisi_integrator_config=/usr/share/tomcat6/integrator_override.xml"




1) -Xmx1024M is a suggested value providing Tomcat with 1024 MB of memory. More memory can be assigned if available.

2) /usr/share/tomcat6/ is a suggested


path – you should use the path to where you would normally store your file if it was on a similar setup.

Oscar version

Integrator works with Oscar release 12.1.  All Oscar systems connected to the same integrator should be on the same version of Oscar.

Installation Via Script

We have created a script which will:


Code Block
cp integrator_override.xml /usr/share/tomcat6/

cp caisi_integrator.war /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/

Skip to and proceed from there.

Manual Setup for Oscar/Integrator


You can always download the latest WAR file for the integrator from this url:$caisioscarehrcaisi_integrator/artifact/org.oscarehr/caisi_integrator/0.0-SNAPSHOT/caisi_integrator-0.0-SNAPSHOT.war


  1. get sql script from
  2. create database:
    (linux commands)
    create database caisi_integrator | mysql -uroot -prootpass -h10.10.10.1 -P3306
    grant all on caisi_integrator.* to root@localhost identified by "rootpass" | mysql -uroot -prootpass -h10.10.10.1 -P3306 caisi_integrator
    The above commands are only an example. All the databases, users, passwords, hosts, ports can be changed but keep them consistent along all setup. Same thing apply to the following steps.
  3. build database:
    (linux command) mysql -uroot -prootpass -h10.10.10.1 -P3306 caisi_integrator < create_tables.sql
  4. prepare initial data:
    Login to mysql and use the caisi_integrator database. Run the following commands:
    insert into SiteUser (name,password) values ('admin',unhex(sha1('admin')));
    create table CachedProviderRole (caisiItemId varchar(16) not null, integratorFacilityId int(11) not null, providerRole varchar(32) not null);
    create table HomelessPopulationReportPrograms (configurationTime datetime not null, index(configurationTime), facilityId int not null, programId int not null);





Ensure these three properties are present in the file for each Oscar system you wish to connect to the integrator:


You must restart Oscar in order for changes to the file to take effect.


Web Setup



Web Setup

  1. Run Integrator by starting tomcat
  2. Open a web browser and go to: (url) http://integrator_server_name:8080/caisi_integrator

    change "integrator_server_name" and port according to your own settings
  3. Select "Integrator Site"
  4. Login as "admin", password: "admin"
  5. Select "Administration"
  6. Select "Manage Facilities"
  7. Select "Add New Facility", enter a username and password for each Oscar site to use on connecting to the integrator.  The facility username and password will be used in the next section.
  8. Repeat step 7. Each facility represents one Oscar site.



Web Setup

  1. Start Oscar (if not already running)
  2. Login to Oscar using an account with admin rights
  3. Select "Admin" in the top menu
  4. Select "Manage Facilities" under "Misc"
  5. Select "Edit"
  6. Change "Name", "Description" to something of your choice. 


    The name field will be used to identify this Oscar instance at other facilities so we suggest using something short and identifiable.
    For example, a name of "Fakestreet Family Health Team" is likely too long, whereas "FFHT" may not be unique or identifiable, but "Fakestreet" allows users at other sites to know what site information is coming from.

  7. Enter "http://integrator_server_name:8080/caisi_integrator/ws" into "Integrator Url" (This should be the URL from step 2 in the previous section + "/ws")
  8. Enter "Integrator User" and "Integrator password" with the facility name and password from step 7 in the previous section
  9. Check "Enable Integrator"
  10. Save. You will be prompted with "Remove Demographic Identity NOT checked! Is it OK?". Select "OK".



Oscar will now push data to Integrator once every INTEGRATOR_UPDATE_PERIOD. Note that the update period starts its count on Oscar startup, so you may not see any data push immediately after the above setup.

A patients E-Chart Encounter notes do not abide by the syncing period set by 'INTEGRATOR_UPDATE_PERIOD'. Encounter notes update 60 minutes after the previous Encounter notes sync.



Preferences Within Oscar

The purpose of setting this is to allow all patients to be synced, or by default only Rostered patients will be synced.
