Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Code Block
cp integrator_override.xml /usr/share/tomcat6/

cp caisi_integrator.war /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/

Skip to and proceed from there.

Manual Setup for Oscar/Integrator


  1. get sql script from
  2. create database:
    (linux commands)
    create database caisi_integrator | mysql -uroot -prootpass -h10.10.10.1 -P3306
    grant all on caisi_integrator.* to root@localhost identified by "rootpass" | mysql -uroot -prootpass -h10.10.10.1 -P3306 caisi_integrator
    The above commands are only an example. All the databases, users, passwords, hosts, ports can be changed but keep them consistent along all setup. Same thing apply to the following steps.
  3. build database:
    (linux command) mysql -uroot -prootpass -h10.10.10.1 -P3306 caisi_integrator < create_tables.sql
  4. prepare initial data:
    Login to mysql and use the caisi_integrator database. Run the following commands:
    insert into SiteUser (name,password) values ('admin',unhex(sha1('admin')));
    create table CachedProviderRole (caisiItemId varchar(16) not null, integratorFacilityId int(11) not null, providerRole varchar(32) not null);
    create table HomelessPopulationReportPrograms (configurationTime datetime not null, index(configurationTime), facilityId int not null, programId int not null);


Ensure these three properties are present in the file for each Oscar system you wish to connect to the integrator:



Oscar will now push data to Integrator once every INTEGRATOR_UPDATE_PERIOD. Note that the update period starts its count on Oscar startup, so you may not see any data push immediately after the above setup.

A patients E-Chart Encounter notes do not abide by the syncing period set by 'INTEGRATOR_UPDATE_PERIOD'. Encounter notes update 60 minutes after the previous Encounter notes sync.
